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Archive for September, 2008

Minutes CoughPHP Developers Meeting

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Austin, TX, September 23, 2008.


  • Anthony Bush
  • Scott Hudnall
  • Richard Pistole
  • Tom Warmbrodt
  • Lewis Zhang


Generated remove*() methods.


Currently the generated remove*() methods for generated classes that extend CoughObject do not behave in an intuitive way. They NULL out the related key, orphaning the data but not deleting it.


We discussed removing the methods all together or switching to some acceptable behavior:

  1. Delete the data.
  2. “Retire” the data (e.g. toggle a flag or status column).
  3. Negate the ID (i.e. instead of NULLing it as is done now).


We provide a deletion strategy option, settable through config. At minimum, we will provide (a) and (b) strategies already implemented out of box.

Many-to-many handling


Currently there is no explicit many-to-many handling. The methods must be written manually, or one must go through the generated join methods (think one-to-many-to-one).


We talked about some of the reasons we moved away from the old CoughPHP behavior where these were once auto-detected and generated.

  • It was possible to run into conflicting method names (anytime two tables were joined by more than one join table) and there was no way to resolve this other than to manually modify the generated file.
  • Join tables didn’t get generated classes at all, which meant we had to invent a new API for getting and setting that data in the event there were other columns besides just the two ID columns making up the join.


We revive the behavior with these restrictions:

  • We continue to generate the one-to-many methods straight to the join table. These will be the preferred way of getting extra join data should it be needed. In other words, we will not revive the old way of getting and setting join data.
  • We auto-detect, possibly using a many-to-many detection strategy so you can override the table_one2table_two naming convention (if using foreign keys, naming convention may not be required).
  • While auto-detecting, if there is a conflict (more than one path to join two tables), we stop generating for that table’s classes and throw a warning for that table with instructions on how to specify which path is the correct one.
  • We provide config option that allows specifying of correct path to join tables (required to satisfy above warning message requirement).
  • We provide config option to turn off auto-detection all together. In this scenario, the only many-to-many generation would come from the above config option where items are explicitly specified.



Currently CoughObject provides a public delete() method which falls outside of the “set, set, set, save” behavior because deletion happens immediately.


We considered making a call to save() required after calling delete(). We did not like that because delete() flows with the already existing insert() and update() methods which also take effect immediately (those two methods are protected and save() decides which one to call).


We introduce a new method called remove() which will mark the object for deletion (based on the deletion strategy in use). A call to save() will be required to make the delete effective. This name was chosen because it follows with the other add/remove methods which also require a save() call to take affect.

We want to move delete() to a protected method like insert() and update() but will leave it public for one release. This will give users a chance to move their code over to the new way before it becomes protected.

Release and packaging


With the resolution for “Generated remove*() methods” we could not agree that CoughPHP should default in enterprise/safe mode (the flag/status column deletion strategy).


We considered defaulting to “delete” behavior as many agreed that is the expected behavior to someone new to CoughPHP. But, we are also trying to push better practices in addition to preventing users from accidentally or unknowing deleting their (or their company’s) data.


We provide a config option that must be set before the generator will continue. An message explaining how to set this will be given if the generator is run without this option set.

CoughPHP 1.3.2 Released

Monday, September 22nd, 2008

View the changelog

Modules: Out-of-the-box Event Logging for CoughPHP

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

The Cough framework enables and encourages a number of cool (but totally optional) modules that make it even more awesome and useful. I’d like to touch on one potential module that fits nicely with ORM and would make many developers very happy: event logging, i.e. preserving the change history of information that is important to a business.

There are discussions of how to do this, at great length, in a number of books and tech blogs. The implementation varies. But in general, all meaningful user actions within our business applications should be logged.

Here are three specific methods for event logging / history tracking, agnostic to Cough.
